This is Lonnie’s new direction show. Due to the audio-visual content it is more of a theatrical music event than just a music show.
At this stage of his 66 year career, he has decided to give his back to his fans, much of the history he has created as one of Australia’s first Superstars of popular music.
In a way he has come full circle. In 1956 he started his career standing alone on stage and today he is once again alone on stage, but this time surrounded by years of success and music history.
See Fabian, Crash Craddock, Ricky Nelson, The Everly Bros and many others on the full screen as Lonnie sings along with them. Only possible because of today’s technology.
Re-live the crazy excitement of the Stadium and Festival Hall days as he tells story after story as a friend and peer of the biggest stars of the original Rock’n’Roll era.
The glory days the the Golden Age of Rock’n’Roll comes alive when he puts his unique take on the songs that changed the world.
You’ll hear hit after hit, many of them his own rolled Gold Hits such as ‘Starlight Starbright’, ‘I found a new love’ and ‘Yes Indeed I do’. Classic Hits he sang week after week on the two most popular television shows of the day, Bandstand and Six O’Clock Rock.
A special moment is when he talks about and sings one of the many songs he wrote for Roy Orbison in the 1970’s. Roy really liked the song ‘Rain’ and expressed his thoughts that it could be his next number one hit.
Unfortunately due to the failure of his previous album, ‘Regeneration’, Roy never recorded Lonnie’s songs.
It wasn’t until years later when the Wilbury’s started, that he recorded again. Lonnie’s songs were lost in time as Roy recorded ‘You Got it’ and ‘Mystery Girl’.
If you bopped along to the songs in that early era, you will love this show. The memories will come flooding back of those heady days of innocence and fun.
If you missed out or were from a later era, this is your chance to really experience the thrill of the greatest songs ever recorded sung by a singer who for 60 years, the music industry has lauded as one of the best singers to ever stand on a stage.
Come and join the many who have been waiting for an event like this.
You will love it !